Tuesday, April 12, 2016

New Media at Baruch College

If i were to improve new media at Baruch College i would try to do the best job i can. The most important dynamic from communication within a university is between student to student and student to professor. I would create an application exclusive to students and professors in Baruch College which allows for private communication and public. Private communication would of course stay confidential and could be questions of advise that students are seeking out from professors or more experienced students and then there would be a blog area where people can share useful information about school activities and maybe school appropriate jokes. I believe this is a great idea for the school if i were to be hired to advance new media at Baruch College.

1 comment:

  1. Adam,
    I really like your idea of creating a platform for student to teacher relationships. The privacy and direct contact could really enhance the students overall experience and better his understanding of a certain topic at hand.
