Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Modeling Reality With Virtual Worlds

Sometimes today we can even confuse virtual worlds with reality because it has become to common that virtual worlds is the norm. I have played video games that i can create a world from scratch and sometimes we get so sucked up into it that we confuse it with being reality. I think it is very beneficial because it gets your brain moving and innovative while you are in your room at the computer. Others have their own opinion like in the Advantage & Disadvantages of the Virtual Classroom And The Role of The Teacher by Guy Posey we see how it is not so beneficial to teachers because it is taking away from the classroom experience. As we get further into technology they are trying to replace our current reality with a virtual reality but it has its pros and cons. In another article that i read called "How Will Virtual reality Change Gambling"we see how good the technology is that people even mistake what reality is but in this case their is an issue because people have their finances at stake and may not even feel the risk. This is a tremendous topic which will gain more and more momentum moving forward.

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