Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Social Networking

When it comes to social networking, there are many benefits to it as there are many dark sides to it. The ways that these technologies can be most useful and beneficial are usually in a social way which includes sharing new things with friends, making new friends, and raising awareness on certain topics. Corporate companies can benefit from social networking as well from things like Linkedin where they can reach out to existing employees or to look for new workers, and we learn a lot about this from the article "Social Networking Technology Boost Job Recruiting" by Frank Langfitt. Social Networking may not have bee created for the intentions of the job market but it has definitely served tremendously to it. we learn a lot from the article "Being There" by Virginia Heferrnan as she speaks about Facebook and about do people really care about your updates. The main dark side issue that we are all aware about is privacy and this is where it can get really tricky. People don't realize but they have more information on their then they think and this is crucial for hackers and stalkers. Moving forward into the future i think that social networking is only going to get stronger and more effective with current and future technologies.

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