Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Social Networking Sites

I compared four social networking sites which are Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Linkedin. These four sites may be similar in a sense but are still very different. From twitter i got the impression that its all about sharing thoughts or information instantly. I think that Twitter is a very powerful network because of how much information is transferred around. Facebook which is arguably the grandfather of them all is an integration of many different aspects which are to share thoughts and information, to post photos and videos, to bring groups together. Facebook is very broad and has much respect in the social network world. Instagram which was acquired by Facebook is an application in which pictures and videos are shares. It is used to simply post photos and your follows can enjoy viewing them by scrolling down. Even though it sounds simple it is very powerful and has acquired a tremendous amount of users and was bought out for an outstanding amount of money. Linkedin is a social network for business. It connects employees or Ceos from all companies around the world and it can even be used to hire or recruit employees. It is used to share information about your friends, for example you will get notified if they got a promotion or changed jobs.

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